2 września 2003

let’s try that again, shall we?

So, here’s the ironic thing. In telling a story about how someone said something that I misinterpreted, I created a veritable breeding ground for further potential misunderstandings. I archived the post, because I want to keep it, but I don’t feel like I need to create the same situation that I was writing about in the first place. I needed to vent - I didn’t need to piss people off. Right.

In other news, Corey was here, and now apparently he has safely arrived at his destination. I had a week of teacher in-service, culminating tonight with a tremendously long workday and “Meet the Teacher” night. I am finally getting my tattoo next week. Life is fucked-up and exhausting and mostly pretty good. Right now, I am going to sleep.

Oh, by the way. Pwe made a Vodka-Gatorade tonight, and it was damn tasty.

Posted by freesia at 22:31

i make a vodka gatorade too
i call it “andro”

it’s normally cardinal red in honor of mark mcgwire

nenie @ 06:14 AM | 2003/09/03

Alicia! Sorry, dear! I ought to have called or written after my return, thanking you for graciously accommodating me in the swank corner of the world you call home.

(mmm, soy crisps. wonderfully strange theatre people. burritos. piercing folk with forked tongues!)

Two more days in Seattle might have cured my many ills, so I ought to return for continued therapy. Meanwhile, I will continue indulging my olfactory nerves when I can spare a moment for reading.

As for spirited gatorade … I would suggest generous amounts of rum, a ground bottle cork and a blue hue. It’ll help you forget about 1908, and the fair ball called foul last night during the second half of the doubleheader.

silence @ 08:05 AM | 2003/09/03

Well shit, man. I wanted to read the thing. Could’ja e-mail it to me?

Joshua @ 10:41 AM | 2003/09/03

this is why i love the silent one
our game never gets old

nenie @ 02:18 PM | 2003/09/03

Pee ess:
Remember the whole “what movie star would play you?” thing? Angelina Jolie and Fairuzia Balk aside, the movie star you look pretty much fucking EXACTLY like is Zooey Deschanel:

Joshua @ 04:23 PM | 2003/09/03

Wow. That’s uncanny!

Sarah @ 07:09 AM | 2003/09/04

Ahhh! Creepy! Who put photoshopped that picture?

Unless… “Zooey” does sound like a fairly fake name… and “Deschanel” - scream “this is not a real name”. Were all of the easy to spell names taken up when you signed your SAG card?

gms @ 10:44 AM | 2003/09/08