30 lipca 2003

sneak attack

Welcome back, Senor Silence. It’s been awhile.

Posted by freesia at 13:43

*bows with a hand twirl*

For the archives: January of 2002.

silence @ 10:04 PM | 2003/07/30

for a second I though that said ‘Snack attack’ and I was like “Damn Right!”

sonya @ 04:21 PM | 2003/08/01

for the record, it’s nearly impossible to believe that those pictures are of the same person. Of course, right now it’s also difficult to imagine that when I first met Nate, I was instantly reminded of you - at least physically. Not much similarity in these pictures at all. Of course, it was really more of a voice and mannerism thing anyway.

freesia @ 06:35 PM | 2003/08/01