stolen from sarah
1. Would you rather become extremely successful due to a lucky break, a smart gamble, or hard work?
Smart gamble. I’ll never get rich with my work ethic, but I’ve got good instincts (and better karma than I deserve).
2. Do you think you would be more, or less, easily corrupted by power than your closest friend?
First of all, I don’t have a closest friend, so that sort of makes this question moot. Would I be easily corruptible? I don’t know. As someone with an admittedly addictive personality, I think I’d be okay until I got a little taste of it, and then it would all go to hell.
3. If drinking fountains could dispense another liquid besides water, what would you prefer it to be?
At the moment, I’d have to say Soy Chai, but that’s probably just because I’m drinking one. It’s TASTY.
4. If your life were a movie, what would the title be?
Gahd, I don’t know. Probably a song lyric. Maybe “The Juxtaposition of Past and Present Time” although that’s really fucking long. Good song, though. Maybe “Phobos to Kalon”, which would be much more appropriate but would take forever to explain.
5. What songs would be on the soundtrack?
Poe, Busta Rhymes, Fiona Apple, Prodigy, Princess Superstar. Probably some Animaniacs for good measure.
6. Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why?
Live-action, of course. I’m an actor, what did you expect me to say?
7. Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc?
I once said that I’d like Pauley Perrette to play me, but I think I’ve outgrown that idea. I still like Fairuza Balk. That would be better. How accurate do we have to be, here? ‘Cause I’ve got some great ideas for the casting of my friends…
8. Describe the movie preview/trailer.
Shadowy and incongruous - quick shots of a million different things, randomly slowing down so that you can actually see what’s going on and then speeding back up again. Flashing back and forward in time, millions of camera angles, shots where you can hear something but don’t know what you’re looking at. Multiple tracks of music fading in and out over each other, all coming to a brief (if unilluminating) moment of clarity at the end. Blackout.
1. My worldview doesn’t have it mattering. I’d rather get rich soon, though, which seems more lucky-break-ish.
2. Less, mostly because I’m pretty fucking incorruptable.
3. Sweet Tea.
4. Always Almost Success
5. Tori Amos, Dan Bern, Ben Folds Five, Holst.
6. Semi-animated like that waddaya-call life movie thingy.
7. Bunch of British actors faking the accent. They’re cheap, they’re good, and they’ve got the bad teeth necessary to play me in childhood.
8. Shot of my face showing barely hidden disappointment and loss, with cut scenes of me being happy and sad at various points in my life. Alternately, if I find a cure for my ongoing illness, replace the barely hidden disappointment and loss with deep satisfaction and empathy.