21 lipca 2003

oh, i almost forgot

Corey backed out at the last minute. Do you want to move into my house?

Posted by freesia at 14:18

Um… maybe.

jet @ 03:24 PM | 2003/07/21


so do i back out on grad school and my phatty new digs…ooooh
damn you freesia

why must you torment me

nenie @ 04:16 PM | 2003/07/21

yes. in a minute. can you bring it to chicago? along with some cute boys for kissing purposes only?

lizzieb @ 12:51 PM | 2003/07/22

HA! Um, no. Although I’m looking for them myself …

freesia @ 05:49 PM | 2003/07/22

The Magic Employment 8 Ball says, “Ask again later”.

If you’re still scrounging around later, I might be able to help you there.

Your Insatiable One @ 07:33 PM | 2003/07/22