7 lipca 2003

and the other, gold

So, Nate came back through town yesterday. I got to hang out with him for an hour or so at Uwajimaya, which reminded me how much I miss that guy. I mean, seriously. What the fuck was he thinking, going on tour? Bah. In a funny “God, what a small world” turn of events, his tour partner spent the entire time on the phone with Taralynn, who used to be Bill’s tour partner. Incest is best, put your coworkers to the test.

In any case, now he’s gone again. He wants me to go on tour - specifically, with him. When I tried to explain why I wasn’t interested, he just didn’t seem to get it. This non-getting-ness is not to be held against him, of course, but I found myself increasingly frustrated by the fact that I just couldn’t convince him that I knew what I wanted. He seemed to think that I was giving him a pat answer and that I didn’t really feel that way. In any case, I like coming home to the same bed every night. Believe it, don’t believe it, I don’t care… but please come visit. Often.

Also, thanks to SRaeRob for selling me her old desk! It’s dreamy.

Posted by freesia at 14:04

Yeah, well Nath’s a stubborn mule who never listens (and I hope he reads this because that bee-yatch hasn’t written and NEVER tells me when he’s going to be in town…)

And Hey! I took that picture of SRaeRob!

benlau @ 10:31 AM | 2003/07/09

Yes, you did!

and yes, he is. It’s probably part of why we love him, but it still occasionally makes me want to poke him in the ear with a stick.

freesia @ 02:26 PM | 2003/07/09