13 maja 2003

feeling like bill cosby

Kids say and do the darndest things. I realize that more and more every day that I am here. They are so much wiser than most of the grownups I know, and that’s really not an exaggeration. There are several stories that I want to tell, but for confidentiality reasons I probably shouldn’t. However, the funniest part of my entire day involved a four year old girl hacking off a huge chunk of her long, curly hair with a pair of safety scissors. Please, be thinking of me at around a quarter to six today, which is when her mother will arrive to hear the good news.

We are doing a late night actor benefit for 7 Strangers! It’s this Friday at 10:30 … be there or be square, my friends. I love this show. I’m going to miss it.

Only a few days left until the drama which will be my weekend in Minnesota. CoTeacher will ALSO be in Minneapolis that same weekend for her sister’s graduation from the U of M. It’s a small world AF-TER ALL.

Back to work. I am just LOVING this limited email access situation. Maybe I’ll be forced into not being such a geek ….

heh. Or not. Who do I think I am?

Posted by freesia at 16:16

i, also
welcome the drama

*dun* *dun* *duuun*

nenie @ 08:28 PM | 2003/05/13

Boy, I know I’m gonna sound really old, but you DID know that Bill Cosby was the second “host” for “Kids Say The Darndest Things”? Art Linkletter was the original host for the series back in the ‘60’s.

THE COMTE @ 03:16 PM | 2003/05/14

Dear The Comte,

It’s things like that.

A friend of a friend @ 01:49 PM | 2003/05/20