23 marca 2003

i felt like one of the muppets

Well, Daniel, I’ve finally done it. I am watching Notorious C.H.O. as we speak. We fell asleep during it last night and are watching the bit that we missed. (It was about three in the morning and we finally couldn’t keep the eyes open anymore.) I’m going to be laughing about this shit for weeks. Speaking of which, she’s going to be at Benaroya on May 17. Wanna go?

Oh, right. So Francis and Mina are here. I’ve never met Mina before, and she’s great. I used to suspect that she was imaginary, because I’d never met her, but no! She actually exists!

Tonight is the Oscar Party chez Broote. I’m very excited. How often do you get to dress up in your pretties and drink with your friends? Not often enough.

Posted by freesia at 11:20

i saw Notorious C.H.O. at the Paramount (i think) last year. freaking hil-ar-ious.

lkd @ 09:08 PM | 2003/03/23

good times, indeed.

lkd @ 09:09 PM | 2003/03/23

Really? Then you probably saw the one that’s on film, because that’s the show they used.

Lori, maybe you’re famous!

(Okay, now I have two Loris reading my blog. Maybe I need to learn to be more specific.)

freesia @ 09:25 AM | 2003/03/24

i’m certainly _in_famous, in some circles. i haven’t ever seen the film from that night’s show, but i’ll try to get my hands on it sometime.
how was the oscar soiree?

lkd @ 03:56 PM | 2003/03/24

Pretty great. I wish you’d been there …

freesia @ 04:05 PM | 2003/03/24

uh, i don’t think i’m exactly welcome in that group. but i’d love to hang out sometime. like i said, come to l.a.

lkd @ 04:16 PM | 2003/03/24

Heh. Oh, sweetie, I think you’d be surprised. Brooke is the only one left of the old house - it’s a very different place now. If I ever go to LA again, I’d love to see you - I just don’t know when it will happen again. (I’m about to be broke as a joke, once I quit my job.)

freesia @ 04:35 PM | 2003/03/24

don’t misunderstand, i always liked all those folks, but i also know that they have loyalties that lie elsewhere. (steps are being taken to rebuild that other relationship, by the way, as far as being friends goes.)

lkd @ 04:48 PM | 2003/03/24

yeah, I saw that … I even commented on it. Good for you. My efforts to do the same thing haven’t been going as well as yours, I’m afraid.

freesia @ 04:56 PM | 2003/03/24

commented? where?

lkd @ 05:02 PM | 2003/03/24

oh, nevermind. i’m up to speed now. you’ll have to check out my blog response and get back to me.

lkd @ 05:14 PM | 2003/03/24