26 listopada 2002

oh yeah, mr. smartypants?

A brief appeal to my incredibly intelligent friends:

Is there any way that I can change the MT coding so that when I go into one of my monthly archive pages, you can see the comments? (Whoa. Hello, terrible grammar!)

Posted by freesia at 15:21

You mean:



… like that?

If you want i can try adding it, since I can edit your templates. Just let me know.

yukino @ 04:17 PM | 2002/11/26

That would be sweet. There’s just no way for people to see old comments, which is sad.

You are my hero.

freesia @ 05:15 PM | 2002/11/26

Oh, I see what you mean, the blogger imported entries don’t have the little comment link in the tagline. I’ll see if I can fix that first… though the insane “official” way is to go into each entry and click “Allow Comments” in each entry’s page.

yukino @ 06:03 PM | 2002/11/26

Translation: “DO IT YOURSELF.” ;)

tony @ 05:19 AM | 2002/11/27

okay, that’s ridiculous - because I DID click that link on all of the entries I’ve written since I got MT in the first place. You STILL can’t see them in all of the archives! (MT is H053D.)

freesia @ 09:30 AM | 2002/11/27

All fixed now.

yukino @ 11:51 AM | 2002/11/27

you are my hero.

freesia @ 11:52 AM | 2002/11/27

Hey, will ONE of you two send me the pic code? Please? Because I have this awesome new camera, and I’m just dying to use it!

lizzieb @ 12:24 PM | 2002/11/27

oh, crap. I keep forgetting. Yukino?

freesia @ 01:32 PM | 2002/11/27

Pic code? Confused now…

yukino @ 01:33 PM | 2002/11/27

how to put the bullet images into an entry. Lizzie wants to do it in her blog but I keep forgetting to figure out how I did it and send it over.

freesia @ 01:47 PM | 2002/11/27

Obviously, it’s too late now, but I’d taken care of this problem on my monthly templates so you could have looked there. Sorry, I’ve been out of the loop!

mlee @ 03:43 PM | 2003/01/09

I don’t have any automatic tool to do it, you can just look at the code around my bullets right now, and also in the stylesheet for img.bullet.

yukino @ 05:07 PM | 2003/01/09