oh yeah, mr. smartypants?
A brief appeal to my incredibly intelligent friends:
Is there any way that I can change the MT coding so that when I go into one of my monthly archive pages, you can see the comments? (Whoa. Hello, terrible grammar!)
That would be sweet. There’s just no way for people to see old comments, which is sad.
You are my hero.
Oh, I see what you mean, the blogger imported entries don’t have the little comment link in the tagline. I’ll see if I can fix that first… though the insane “official” way is to go into each entry and click “Allow Comments” in each entry’s page.
Translation: “DO IT YOURSELF.” ;)
okay, that’s ridiculous - because I DID click that link on all of the entries I’ve written since I got MT in the first place. You STILL can’t see them in all of the archives! (MT is H053D.)
All fixed now.
you are my hero.
Hey, will ONE of you two send me the pic code? Please? Because I have this awesome new camera, and I’m just dying to use it!
oh, crap. I keep forgetting. Yukino?
Pic code? Confused now…
how to put the bullet images into an entry. Lizzie wants to do it in her blog but I keep forgetting to figure out how I did it and send it over.
Obviously, it’s too late now, but I’d taken care of this problem on my monthly templates so you could have looked there. Sorry, I’ve been out of the loop!
I don’t have any automatic tool to do it, you can just look at the code around my bullets right now, and also in the stylesheet for img.bullet.
You mean:
… like that?
If you want i can try adding it, since I can edit your templates. Just let me know.