20 listopada 2002

bee in my bonnet

Um. So, last night, kinda spur-of-the-moment-like, I bought a plane ticket to L.A. for Thanksgiving.

Would anyone be willing to let out my cute dog for a couple of days? I’d give you my keys! I’d pay you money! I might let you borrow my car!

Posted by freesia at 14:22

so, can we take this to mean that you’re going to LA and renting that Diaper Van we spoke of earlier?

Sven @ 04:50 PM | 2002/11/20

Sadly, there will be no Diaper Van renting. There will be only eating of turkey and sight-seeing. There might also be goofing around and reminiscing, and some time spent at a Disney-related establishment.

Also, probably the occasional utterance of “Holy shit, I’m in L.A.!”

freesia @ 05:21 PM | 2002/11/20

Wow. LA for Thanksgiving. You know, I considered doing something similar— like, I thought it would be fun to rub Elmer’s Glue in my hair, wait for it to dry, then grab the back edge and yank forward as hard as I can. Then I realized that would be horribly unpleasant. If you had a similar realization about spending time in LA, you’d be right.

joshua @ 06:08 PM | 2002/11/20

and you are going to miss my Thanksgiving dinner. But have fun, don’t mind me. Go on. I really am not hurt or anything. No, no, I’ve just been chopping onions, really. (No really, have a great time!)

j @ 06:08 AM | 2002/11/21

And I’m going to San Francisco for Christmas!

benlau @ 09:31 AM | 2002/11/21

Josh, you silly. I’m not going to L.A. because it’s L.A. I’m going to L.A. because I was invited to visit the guy who is probably the most influential friend of my whole life. I don’t really have anything AGAINST L.A… but I’m certainly not going just because I feel like breathing some smog. I mean, I can smoke just fine right here in Seattle!

(And Ben - woo hoo! I should send you to my friend Nonoko’s house to spread some Christmas love.)

freesia @ 11:07 AM | 2002/11/21

oh, by the way -

I am sure the food will not be nearly as good as whatever j is going to make. She is hot and smart and damn, can that girl cook. I am “chopping onions” right now just thinking about it.

freesia @ 11:11 AM | 2002/11/21

So, THIS is what all you people have been doing behind my back! I am shocked - SHOCKED to find out that you-all have secret lives!

Or maybe it’s just the onions…

Comte @ 09:55 AM | 2002/11/22

Listen here, boatman - this was never a secret…

(You just didn’t know about it!)

freesia @ 11:20 AM | 2002/11/22

I HAD heard vague rumors…

CC @ 04:45 PM | 2002/11/22