31 października 2002

they did the monster mouse, the *monstermouse*

I am in costume at work today. It’s not really my halloween costume, which some of you saw. It’s not really my costume for my show, which some of you saw. It’s basically just a lot of black. Lots of it. It’s like a slightly dressier version (if by dressy you mean long skirt vs. short skirt) of my costume for 7 Strangers. Sort of. Plus, my trusty pal Raoul has gotten into the act. Today is his day to shine, friends. We all dressed up for the kiddies today - they were shockingly well behaved and even stayed in their single file line on their way into the theatre. I think maybe they were afraid of me. We were far more terrifying than the Biggest, Friendliest Giant could ever be.

In other news, Nate is a pirate. Also, he’s in town. I had lost his number, but now I am trying to find him. Nate! Nate! Where are you?

We had rehearsal in a bar the other night. It was pretty amazing - we all drank and played pool and dealt with strangers while in character. It was exhausting and by the end of the night our faces all hurt from being in someone else’s body for so long … but it was so useful. Working on this show has been a weird little exercise in actor psychology - we know each other better as our characters than we do as ourselves, since the cast really didn’t know each other before we started. We have a great group dynamic, really excellent rapport - and it’s all fake. It’s a dynamic we’ve created, based on characters we’ve created, based on a situation we’ve created. It’s pretty astounding, if you think about it. Aah, the wonders of the human psyche.

Plus, it was an excuse to be out on the town drinking scotch and chain-smoking until Eleven something on a school night. I can always use more of those.

Posted by freesia at 13:09