things so complicated
Spent the weekend painting the dining room. Yes, the ENTIRE WEEKEND. Patti and I spent several hours at good old Home Depot, our hands full of mismatched paint swatches and brushes and edgers and rollers and paint trays and paint sticks and special texture roller refills and dog food bins and switch plates. We made fun of the preppy girl buying the gallon of high-gloss baby poop brown. We watched the bratty little boy get dragged repeatedly up and down the aisle getting spanked by alternating parents while the other one gave the paint-mixing-guy a hard time. We almost bought a ladder. We taped and painted and edged and detailed and wiped and moved furniture and dripped on each other. Two days later, I have a dining room that’s Serape-colored Suede (special texture paint!) with Chimayo Red trim. Some time in there I managed to pull and/or pinch something in my back, sprain a toe, and paint my bedroom door green … that is, the color of green that the living room is going to be painted THIS weekend. And then I’m painting my bedroom blue, and … gah. Home improvement is so tiring. Bob Vila must be exhausted.
In other news, Piper is in love with Kasmo. Pathetic, desperate, last-ditch-effort love. He, on the other hand, could not care less about her. She follows him around the house, barking frantically (in her high-pitched “Pay attention to me, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD” bark) and he just looks away. He is driving her slowly insane. Last night, she sunk to new lows. Patti and Jennifer had gone to dinner at Luau, and Patti brought home two rib bones for the dogs to chew on. Kasmo finished his in under a minute flat, and went back to his “Hey, I’m going to poke you in the armpit and thigh and nose and left ear with this toy until you throw it for me” game. Piper would run into the living room, throw her bone at him, pick it up, and leave. Then she’d throw the bone into the living room from the bedroom, come out and get it, look at Kasmo expectantly, leave. Then she’d just run right up face to face with him (the bone sticking out of her mouth so that it almost bumped him in the nose), and when he didn’t seem to care she would leave. Repeat this cycle ad nauseum - and of course, I’m narrating the whole thing in the background in my Piper Voice(tm) - “Here’s my bone! I love you!”
In other news, I’m sleepy. I’m also hungry, grumpy, and several other dwarves. I expect I’ll be to dopey by the time Mickey plops himself in my world… that is, of course, if he didn’t get so sick of waiting for Yuki to pick him up at SeaTac that he decided to fly back to Korea.
Bob Vila is a hack! Everyone knows Norm Abrahms is the real force behind This Old House.
The dog love story is so cute, despite the needy/obsessive portion of the story that we conveniently block out.
Heather made us promise that we’d let her know if she ever started acting like that around a boy. We’d need to have an intervention.
Plus, Piper’s nearing her every-9-months doggy menstrual cycle, which just makes everything a little more intense. Poor Kasmo. He doesn’t know what’s coming.
While hungry is not a dwarf, bob villa is.
not to be the “VOICE OF REASON” here, but….is there some reason you havent FIXED THE DOG????? (for chrissake!)
Listen here, voice of reason - it’s EXPENSIVE. Plus, if I don’t get her debarked soon Heather will kill her while I’m asleep. Don’t forget, I’m po’. REAL po’.
Hungry wasn’t really a dwarf, was he? I think you’re just making things up here.