31 lipca 2002

is it friday yet?

Benlau is taking a break. I am torn between not wanting him to go and wanting to take a break myself. Have a nice trip. I know you won’t be emailing, and you won’t be blogging, but if you feel a brief moment of longing for anything on this side of the ocean and you happen to be near somewhere that has postcards, that would be good too. Maybe I’ll just sit and watch this all day to fill the void.

Zach got his hair bleached (which was apparently very painful) and dyed last night. It is now midnight blue with teal streaks, and it is very, very beautiful. I watched this happen while we (unsuccessfully) brainstormed ideas for Pizza Night, and then we (along with N.G. and Sjet) watched a Bill Hicks video back at the “Phat Pad”, which is apparently the unofficial name of the ’70s pimp-palace where the boys live. (“Twitching pink bunny nose”. What else can I say.)

I got home and discovered that someone had left me a silly message about cookies. The message had a lot of screaming and odd noises in it. And then, I suspect, they left cookies at my door - since I woke up this morning and found cookies. Hmmm………

{I predict that tonight, I will dream of Giraffes and Elephants leaving cookies on my doorstep in the middle of the night. Jeremy will be Giraffe and Yuki will be Elephant. They will somehow know, through animal intuition, that Lemur’s favorite cookie is macadamia nut. It will be like art imitating life, sorta.}

Posted by freesia at 10:49

Maybe they will be wearing masks. Maybe Giraffe will merely be wearing a mask that looks like Jeremy, and Elephant will be wearing a mask that looks like Mike. You have to go incognito to leave secret night-cookies.

freesia @ 10:57 AM | 2002/07/31

Drag. Of course Apple’s going to have the one preview I’m not in.

Damn apple.

benlau @ 01:27 PM | 2002/07/31

Brian was there too! What animal is he?

yukino @ 01:37 PM | 2002/07/31

oh, crep. I don’t have any multimedia at work (no sound card, nothin’) so I just took it for granted that you’d be in it. I’ll find something else. I WILL NOT BE BENLAULESS!

freesia @ 02:09 PM | 2002/07/31