25 czerwca 2002

Man. Here’s another weird connection.

Man. Here’s another weird connection. Jen Davis was my next-door neighbor my sophomore year at IMSA. She lived with Charu Ramaprasad, who was one of my RAs (along with Peggy Kim, another name I haven’t thought of in awhile.) I was looking through the online directory tonight, and there she was. Go figure. Jen was the original “honorary Korean”. (Nobody seems to remember this story but me, so I suppose I should just give it up.) Hello, Jen! Nice to see you (sort of) again.

Posted by freesia at 22:39

I don’t remember the “honorary Korean” thing either. Perhaps it was just a dream… Anyway, it’s really weird that you posted, because I had just been in Boston and for some reason saw a couple of people that looked like you. Go figure. I’m off to try to find that 1994 pic of me in Mike’s site.

Netscape 4 really doesn’t like your blog, so let’s hope this works.

Jen Freaking Davis @ 08:09 PM | 2002/06/29