Quote of the Day Excerpted
Quote of the Day
Excerpted from Sarah’s blog
“Step 2. I wish.”
If you don’t get this reference, ask me. I’ve been laughing ever since I read it. You GO, girl.
Thank you for helping with my moronic Felicity-obsessed fervor last night. Even though I was apparently an idiot and didn’t realize it started at eight, thank you. I’m just sorry you couldn’t join our Trivial Pursuit game - Patrick and I won, thanks largely to his infinite sports knowledge and the fact that we kept landing on green. It was a good way to spend a school night.
I went out, on the spur of the moment, and got a haircut at Regis (at the Northgate mall) last night. My designer, strangely enough, was a slightly-femmy, very pierced and stretched, head-shaved, chin-puppy-wearing guy named Bill. He and the fabulous diva who was cutting hair next to me conferred on what to do to my head, since I basically left it up to them. I didn’t know what I wanted, all I knew was that I hated what I had. The end result is far less wack than what I was originally looking for, but it’s nice. Probably a good compromise. I proceeded to spend too much money on hairwax, bleach, and that nifty red-highlights kit. Friendly Bill told me that he thought I would look REALLY wonderful if I dyed my hair black - and my bangs fire engine red. I told him that, with my new haircut, that would look excellent - but that the folks at Ye Olde Children’s Theatre might not appreciate it too much. So, I’ll just be blonde with red streaks. That’ll be fun too.
Then, I got to work this morning only to discover that Robbie (the newly crowned Miss America) had gotten both his eyebrow and his … what the hell do you call it, that chin piercing thing … pierced last night. He looks pretty tough - which is quite a stretch for Robbie - and it made me sorry that I hadn’t gone for the black and red. Maybe this winter I’ll think about it…
Plus, I’ve been running every day on my lunch hour. It’s been really nice - it makes me feel really good, and most of my pants don’t stay on me anymore without a belt. That’s ALSO nice. Who needs food, man. Seriously.
Okay, I guess I should get back to work. I’m feeling easily distracted today. Hooray, Sunshine! The seasonal affective part of me gets SO juiced when the sun comes out.