9 lutego 2002

I love you, James Alexander

I love you, James Alexander “Zach” Zulauf. You kicked my butt (and brain) and bought me alcohol just when I needed it most. Thank you.

Today (despite waking up WAY hung over and dehydrated) was excellent. I gave Piper a bath, blow-dried her so she was all fluffy, and went to West Queen Anne to look at a house I might soon be living in. Mary, who met me there, was so much cuter than I was expecting. She’s 25, a social worker, and really sweet and mellow. We got along REALLY well. The house is quirky and great, with walls painted bright unexpected colors. She has a German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix named Tika, who was shockingly calm, and seemed more puzzled by Piper than anything else. She kept trying to lick her nose, and stared at her with a quizzical look on her face. Piper, for her part, was so carsick that all she did was sit in my lap and try to sleep (and avoid the huge tonguebath). She was a little freaked out about the enormous dog trying to sniff her butt, and snapped at poor Tika a couple of times. Mary and I talked for an hour … just shooting the shit and talking about our lives. She reminds me a lot of Toni, the ex-girlfriend of Bill’s best friend from college. Toni and I, despite really having nothing in common, always got along really well, and I have a similar feeling about Mary. Of course, I don’t really WANT to live in Queen Anne … but I’d rather live with people I really like than live WHERE I really want to live. It’s in a really cute, residential area of Queen Anne that’s right on the QA/Magnolia line, and there is a Fire Station TWO HOUSES AWAY. Fenced-in yard, street parking as far as the eye can see … this all just might work.

Posted by freesia at 21:04