but I will watch the
but I will watch the sound…
Hooray, I’m back! Sort of. I had a very, VERY long stretch where my fabulous temp agency didn’t have any work for me. This was incredibly terrifying and basically crappy. During this time, I interviewed again for the Administrative Assistant position at the 5th Avenue Theatre. I probably mentioned it at the time … they didn’t hire me because I was an actor, and they’d lost their past few AAs because they went equity and had to quit. Well, they hired someone, she quit, and four months later I’m back. They told me at my second interview that I was one of the top few people they were considering the first time. I got a call from the woman I interviewed with today… or, rather, she left me a voicemail saying “Hi, this is ******, please give me a call. This is my number, I’ll be in my office until eleven.” I call her four or five times, she is in and out of meetings, I don’t end up hearing from her. Very frustrating. Is that a good “hey, call me so I can tell you we’d like to give you the job” message, or a bad “I don’t really care if you call me today or tomorrow, ‘cause you didn’t get the job anyway” message? Let me know what you think.
I also have an interview tomorrow at… don’t laugh … Central Bark Productions, a chi-chi hotel for dogs just south of downtown. I think this would be an incredibly fun job - doing Admin work but also playing with dogs? For a LIVING? With the exception of the pay being crap, this sounds like about the funnest job ever. I’ve been into dogs ever since I was little… I trained my neighbors’ dogs to make money during the summers when I was a kid, etc etc. My dogs NOW are incredibly untrained, sadly… during the olden days I didn’t have a whole slew of rehearsals to take up all my free time. But, my Teddy is the best-trained dog ever. I got him when I was 11, and he can do anything. Within two weeks of getting him, he could sit, lie down, stay, roll over, dance, beg, play dead, and heel without a leash. And maybe I would get to bring my puppers to work with me. That would be sweet.
So, basically, within the next week or two I have to make up my mind whether I want to have a REAL job and make actual money, or have a fun job and not make much money … at least until I go to grad school. Lord knows how many tries it’ll take before I even get IN anywhere. Then, once I’m done with that, I want to teach. But teaching jobs - at least in acting - are few and far between. So, who knows. As my friend Mitcher told me last night, “I don’t really care what I do during the day, as long as it excites me in some way, pays my bills and gives me time to be a daddy someday.” I knew there was a reason I love that guy.