18 września 2001

And, exciting thing number three.

And, exciting thing number three.

I got the part. I’m blogging about it a few hours later because I was so excited I just about wet myself. The initial audition went well - I was kind of excited to have the (albeit forced) opportunity to prepare a four-minute-long monologue. I felt really at home with the piece, and despite not being as well-prepared as I would have liked, I thought it went okay. The fun part, however, was that both Aimee and I have played Elizabeth Barrow Colt in The Art of Dining by Tina Howe, and we spent quite some time talking about the fun roles I was lucky enough to play in college. I

So, tonight. I spend so long yakking with Nate online that I don’t even start getting ready to go until long after I’d been hoping to leave. I showed up five minutes before my time, out of breath, sniffling, coughing frantically. I get started on the side that I’d been working on, off and on, during the day. It starts a little rough, but ends better than I’d hoped. I end, put the script in my lap, say Thank You, and before I have the chance to finish exhaling, she says “I want you to do this part. ” I mis-understand her statement, and think that she wants me to do another piece of she side. I look puzzled, and she continues … she says I have a “stellar” reputation and she’s glad I auditioned. This entire time, of course, I have not actually completed that exhale. I manage to say “I have a reputation?” and she says “Yes. A very good one.” She goes on to tell me that I have a very clear perception of who this character is, and that I should start memorizing immediately. Couldn’t believe it. STILL can’t believe it.

I called Bill’s cell the INSTANT I got out of the theatre, and left this giddy message on his voicemail, even though I KNEW he was still at rehearsal. Just like Molly’s recent casting karma, the schedule is perfect. Rehearsals start Sunday, the show goes up the 22nd of November (I think?) and closes the 22nd of December. And, since it’s yet ANOTHER show consisting of a series of monologues, the rehearsal schedule will be slightly more flexible, and the rehearsals themselves will probably be more intense. What is it with me and monologues? I’d never done a huge monologue until Mass Murder, and now I’m doing another one. I do theatre because of the people, and here I’m doing shows where I don’t meet the cast until tech. Go figure.

Anyway, I’m up way past my bedtime. I’ve been such a bundle of nerves ever since I got home that I didn’t even try to sleep… but six thirty is creeping up on me AWFULLY FAST. Man. I’m going to be a mess tomorrow morning… but I can’t complain. This has been a really stinking great day.

And Nate … whenever you want to grab some coffee and run lines, let me know. I am so excited to be acting again. I loved stage managing, don’t get me wrong - but this is just so much more fulfilling for me. I feel a lot like my friend Sarah does right now. Check out her blog from today (or, technically, yesterday). Maybe it’s time to focus. Time to stop doing things because I feel like I should - because it’s easy - because it just happens to happen that way. I applied for a not-too-exciting but extremely well-paying job today. It would be far preferable to temping, and then maybe I could afford to chase my really big dream. I need to start making some serious choices, and I need to decide what my priorities are. Acting is a priority. Financial self-sufficience is a priority. Maybe if I manage to reconcile those two priorities, I will get to where I need to be. Maybe I need to simplify my goals, so that I can intensify my energy on a smaller number of things. Maybe that’s the key.

Or maybe I just need to go to bed.

Posted by freesia at 0:42