what is it you adore?
what is it you adore?
Inspired by the marvelous vocal stylings of the goddess Poe, here is a list of things I like:
* Payday
* Wild Tiger cheese pizza with extra garlic, thyme, and red pepper
* horoscopes that are so right on
* temp jobs that last forever
and are cushy
and have free downtown parking
* giving myself highlights
* Poe
* Susheela Raman
* Leah Andreone
* the way Bill looks when he’s all clipped and shaved and clean and tan
* having enough money to pay bills
* alien (Aeron) chairs that are set just right to fit me
* friends who clean out your car when they drive it
* that I-love-you-so-much-I-could-just-die look Bailey gives me sometimes
* having nothing else to do but sit and paint or draw
* hearing second-hand that your S.O.’s mom thinks you’re great
* fridays
* surrogate families
* healthy cuticles
* artsy silver jewelry
* meaningful tattoos
* adoring little brothers
* looking down at my legs, thinking “I don’t remember putting on pantyhose,” and then realizing I’m just tan