17 lipca 2001

Monday The only thing


The only thing that happened Monday that was noteworthy:

I’m working on Velvet Rut now!

Tricia Sexton called me last night and told me that Sonya’s going to be in the show, so they’re looking for an SM and an ASM. Apparently, Patrick and I are going to split the duties, since both of us have ASM’d but neither of us have SM’d before. I was thrilled - Heather had mentioned at the company meeting that they needed board ops, and I was going to volunteer to do that since I wanted to be part of Velvet Rut so much. I am a HUGE fan of generative projects, and I’m so psyched to be part of it! It closes the night before “Burt” rehearsals start, so even on the outside chance that I DID get a part, I could still do both. I’ve been spending my nights at home freaking out about not working on a show right now, and I’d much rather be doing stuff backstage than not doing anything at all. Gotta keep busy, busy, busy!

Posted by freesia at 11:45