12 lipca 2001

tell it to my heart,

tell it to my heart, tell me i’m the only one

Well, this has been the day of serious blog lovin’. Awwww yeah.

First of all, Pamala rules. She posted a recipe and made me seriously hungry for black beans. Thanks, Petunia!

Secondly, Sonya rules. She is looking for a new skill to learn, and she approved of at least one of my suggestions, even if she did spell my name wrong. =) You’re welcome, Begonia!

Thirdly, Ben rules. He came back from Texas. He has no florally-based nickname.

In response, I wanted to learn a skill, cook a tortilla, post a recipe, go on vacation… but I don’t even know how to balance my checkbook, I can’t find my fun baked-cheese-olive hors d’oevres recipe because I can’t seem to find the the Sydney Olympics Australian Recipes site, and I have no money to go anywhere. So, I am sitting here, at Callison’s, twiddling my thumbs and reveling in saying “I’m sorry, he’s in France until the beginning of August” and in sending copious amounts of faxes to places like Japan, the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, and Korea. Oh, and drinking smoothies out of a can.

Tonight, I get to go home and watch WWF SMACKDOWN! This is nearly exciting enough to make up for the dullness of today. However, it’s not enough to stop me from ITCHING (to find out whether or not I got the job at RGI, as well as because my sunburn from Sunday has reached its full itchiness capacity.) itch, itch, itch. scratch scratch.

Only five more minutes…

Posted by freesia at 16:57