now it’s time to say
now it’s time to say goodbye to all our company
It’s about that time, folks. Time for Annex to move on to greener pastures.
I can hardly believe it. This weekend is the last time that Annex will be in its fourth avenue space. I’ve just finally figured out what they’re all about, and now everything is going to change. I really wish I could have seen Annex’s heyday, hanging out with Jillian and all the other early-Annex-crazies. What a blast that must have been. (Of course, what am I talking about. Who’s earlier and crazier than Edly? Speaking of which, thanks again for the book recommendation. It was addictive and fantastic and I loved it. Thank you.)
Anyway, the weekend will be insane. Annex partying and our anniversary and trying to keep a roof over our heads, oh my! Meanwhile, I’m checking voicemail every twenty minutes and driving Bill insane. (I just want to see if I got that job, you see.)
Time to go home, almost!
All companies should only work until noon on Fridays. What a brilliant idea.